At Bargain Saver USA, we strive to provide a safe, reliable, and spam-free platform for buying and selling goods and services. To ensure the integrity of our community and maintain a high-quality experience for all users, we have implemented a small fee for posting on our classifieds website. This nominal charge serves as a deterrent to spammers and bots, who often attempt to flood online platforms with unwanted and irrelevant content.

Thank you for choosing Bargain Saver USA, and we look forward to continuing to serve you with the best deals and a spam-free experience.

Terms of Use

We provides a collection of online resources, including classified listings, advertising, email services and links to third party sites (referred to hereafter as "the Service"), available at the "Site, that are subject to the following Terms of Use ("Terms"). By using the Site or the Service in any way, you agree to comply with these Terms. In addition, when using particular Oodle services, you agree to abide by any applicable posted guidelines for those services, which may change from time to time. Please report any violation of these Terms to

Should you object to any term or condition of these Terms, any guidelines, or any subsequent modifications thereto or become dissatisfied with Oodle in any way, your only recourse is to immediately discontinue use of the Site and the Service. Oodle will not be held be liable for any loss or damage for non-compliance.

These Terms may be updated by Oodle. You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for reviewing these Terms from time to time. You can always review the most current version of these Terms at Any continued use of the Software or Service by you after such amended Terms have been posted or information regarding such amendment has been sent to you, shall be deemed your consent and agreement to such amended Terms.

You understand and agree that unless expressly stated, Oodle in no way controls, verifies or endorses any of the information contained on or in the Service including listings, links, messages, advertisements and reviews.

Do you have more questions? Contact us